Hydrogen is the most versatile carbon-free fuel because it can replace fossil fuels in all existing applications. It burns with a higher flame temperature than methane (natural gas) for all heating requirements, and fuel cells can be used to efficiently generate electricity. Hydrogen has unfortunately not yet swept our energy sectors because it is a highly volatile and extremely low-density substance, even in liquid form. Storage takes the form of either a highly-pressurized (but still low-density) and explosive gas, or a cryogenic liquid kept below -252°C. Both of these methods require highly specialized technologies, all-new transportation infrastructure, and extensive new regulations. Hydrogen simply has too many barriers keeping it from mass adoption, despite its fantastic potential as a fuel. Ammonia does not face any of these barriers to mass adoption.

The Ammonia Energy Association recognizes the clear potential of Ammonia as a carbon-free fuel, and more importantly, recognizes Ammonia’s potential as a stable Hydrogen carrier. Hydrogen has not been able to economically compete with traditional fossil energies due to the high costs of production, storage and transport; we will break down these barriers through through our sustainable production of Ammonia.

Whereas Hydrogen has been kept from mass adoption for largely economic and safety reasons, neither issue pertains to the use of Ammonia as a fuel. Instead, the primary stumbling block to the envisioned Ammonia economy has historically been its production. We will completely resolve this issue with our novel electrocatalytic reactor technology.

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